We Are Building An ARC

The ARC follows the pattern found in Ephesians 4:11, with Apostles & Prophets being the foundation and Christ being the Chief Cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20).The ARC exists to equip, train, and unite the church of this generation in revelation, impartation, and activation for the end time harvest. Our goal is to equip a supernatural laboring force to see revival reform our city, nation, and world; through itinerant ministry, missions, market-place ministers, conferences, training schools, and providing resource materials.

Our Mission

The mission of the ARC stands on the firm foundation of the great commission given by Jesus to his disciples in Matthew 28. The goal is not just to make converts, but to make disciples who not only believe, but live by the truths that Jesus is our Saviour, Healer, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit and Soon-coming King.

"Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever."
- Hebrews 13:8

Our Values

We value being interdenominational in spirit, inclusive in leadership, dependent on the Holy Spirit’s power, balanced in doctrine and ministry, relational in our methods and global in our reach.
We value being interdenominational in spirit because we accept true believers of all denominations as a part of God’s family. We don’t compete with other churches; we cooperate with them when it is helpful and celebrate their victories as members of one body.
We value being inclusive in leadership because we believe that God calls men and women, the young and the old, and people from every race to lead his church. As it says in Galatians 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
We value being dependent on the Spirit’s power because if the disciples who were trained directly by Jesus needed this power, then how much more do we need it today. We express our dependency through prayer and we minister with an expectancy that the Holy Spirit will operate spiritual gifts through us.
We value being balanced in doctrine and in ministry because we believe that knowledge must be balanced with experience, doctrine must be balanced with the fullness of God’s word and ministry should never be expressed through an extremism that turns people away from Christ. We believe that Foursquare doctrine reflects a balanced position on biblical truth.
We value being relational in our operations because relationships are bridges for ministry and opportunities to express Jesus’ love. This value leads us to embrace a culture of honour and to invest in building, preserving and restoring relationships.
We value being global in our reach because Jesus’ desire was for us to make disciples of all nations. We have gifts to share with the world and our global interactions also allow us to receive from the gifts of believers in other lands. Investing beyond ourselves also helps us to grow beyond a self-centered approach that would only contribute where we could see gain for our own ministries.

You Belong
You Belong

The core of what we believe at the ARC is that a church isn’t a building or programs. Church literally is a tribe of people who love God and love people. We believe that everyone has a place, you belong here!

Have an Encounter

We love God’s presence! We desire and pursue him with all that we have. We know that lives are transformed when people encounter his presence. So we live to worship God and him alone.